Cerved Experian Italy 300Cerved and Experian Italy have completed all the activities aimed at the expansion of their strategic partnership to address the increasingly complex demands of financial and non-financial organizations in Italy. The new agreement was announced on November 17, 2015 and strengthens the strategic partnership formed in 2012.

As part of the agreement, Cerved will distribute in Italy Experian’s analytical software solutions for the banking, insurance and utilities sectors, allowing integrated access to consumer credit and business information. Cerved will be able to distribute Experian’s decision-making software, currently among the most advanced on the market, whilst providing its clients with access to the Credit Information System independently managed and operated by Experian-Cerved Information Services.

Experian integrated its two business lines in Italy – Experian Decision Analytics and Experian-Cerved Information Services – into the latter, which will be able to provide its customers with analytics services, consultancy and consumer information services, together with access to Cerved business information services provided through its proprietary decision analytics software.

 Source: Experian Press Release