More than 3000 amendments have been tabled to the LIBE Committee on the Albrecht report on data protection:  This shows how important the dossier is and what economic and political interests are at stake.

The rapporteur has therefore agreed to postpone the vote in the LIBE Committee from end of April to end of May 2013 to allow shadow rapporteurs of all political groups to try and find as many compromise amendments as possible. At the same time, the Irish presidency hopes that the Council will be able to agree on a first compromise position on the regulation at their meeting in June.

The debate over data protection remains tough and very sensitive, all the more with the opinion of the Article 29 working party which stresses the importance of data protection for mobile applications.

Furthermore BEREC has published its awaited guidance paper on the interpretation of art 25 of the universal service directive on the access to the subscribers’ listings, which provides a valuable input on universal service obligations for directory providers.

Courtesy Stéphanie Verilhac – – EASDP- European Association of Search and Database Publishing