EOS_logo 1An impressive credit standing: This was the verdict of Euler Hermes Rating in the summer of 2016 following its audit of EOS Holding, making it the twelfth time in succession that the debt collection specialist has received an ‘A‘ rating.  The auditors had been particularly convinced by the company’s longstanding experience in the evaluation, acquisition and recovery of non-performing loans.

Other contributing factors were the company’s very high earnings power over a number of years and its extremely stable cash flows. The rating agency was also impressed by the company’s capital structure and debt repayment capacity.

“We are absolutely delighted that we have been given an ‘A’ rating every year since 2005. This acknowledges the ongoing work that we do,” says Justus Hecking-Veltman, Member of the EOS Group’s Board of Directors and Chief Financial Officer. Ultimately, this allows EOS to show its customers that their confidence in EOS is well placed.

Euler Hermes Rating identifies development opportunities for EOS through the diversification of its range of services and the increasing volumes of debt in emerging international markets. “We share this view and have set ourselves the goal of boosting our presence in promising markets,” explains Mr Hecking-Veltman. In this context, EOS benefits, for example, from its experience on the German market for debt purchases secured by real estate: “In the last financial year we expanded this business segment internationally.”

Source: EOS-Solutions Press Release