According to its website The Global 5000 Database is a researched and compiled database of the 5000 largest companies in the world.   Based on revenue/sales generated, the database contains both public and private companies, covering all industries in all countries. We go beyond existing lists and rankings of products like the Fortune 1000 or Forbes private rankings.

The company was launched last year by Harry Henry a database expert who also leads Outsell’s activities in producing and maintaining industry metrics on market size, share and forecasts, as well as marketing tracking such as advertiser, user, and enterprise information spending and consumption.

Global Database has recently added some interesting product features to its database:  A ‘social’ index which is calculated by counting (for each company) how many employees have a profile on LinkedIn.  It has added survey data of companies by vertical markets to determine how much they spend on employee training & education.

It has added information how much is spent on IT and has applied an ‘IT spend” estimate for each company. By using similar statistics for % spend on marketing by vertical market it can calculate an estimate for each company for marketing.

‘BRIC Countries’ Corporations Outgrow Global Rivals

5000 Global Database has released the following statistics on BRIC countries:

Within the set of Global 5000 companies — the largest firms in the world — approximately 12% of the total revenue of $43 trillion comes from those companies in the BRIC countries. The impressive thing is the growth rate of these companies in BRIC compared to the overall growth rate of all companies in The Global 5000. Consider the following growth rates.

BRIC vs Total Global 5000

  • 2007    29% vs 13%
  • 2008    26% vs 10%
  • 2009    0.5% vs -9%
  • 2010     29% vs 11%

In essence, the growth rate of the BRIC companies is twice that of all the largest companies overall. And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Some of the recent press regarding the proposed merge of Glencore and Xstrata illustrate the growth of key companies and industries in BRIC countries.     These two Swiss based companies are involved in mining operations throughout the world. These mining operations and the growth of the minerals and metal operations are helping fuel much of the growth of the commodities needed in the BRIC and emerging market countries.

Source:  5000Global Database