BIIA finds the recent FICO Banking Analytics Blog written by James Taylor, CEO of Decision Management Solutions of particular interest:  

“Individually, predictive analytics and cloud computing are hot topics in business today. But what’s the potential for the intersection of these two exciting technologies?

Based on new research and a recent survey of over 200 professionals, cloud-based predictive analytics are indeed poised for rapid growth. While industries vary in their maturity, the use of cloud-based predictive analytics to improve an organization’s focus on customers is particularly powerful. As early adopters look likely to build a sustained competitive advantage, organizations should have a plan to rapidly adopt cloud-based predictive analytics to avoid being left behind.

There were a number of interesting implications from the survey results:  It is business solutions which companies need and predictive analytics are showing real strength.  Customers are the focus and cloud based analytics scenarios are gaining momentum. “

To read more click on the link:  Source:  FICO Banking Analytics Blog  Predictive Analytics in the Cloud