CEG Creditreform Consumer GmbH (Neuss, Germany) has changed its name to Creditreform Boniversum GmbH.   The reason for this name change is to present a transparent, consumer friendly image and to present itself as a fair partner in all matters concerning credit worthiness of consumers.  ‘Knowledge Creates Fair Play’ being the new ‘Leitmotif’ of Boniversum.   The new website www.boniversum.de includes product and company information, recent studies and online research concerning issues related to credit worthiness. 

With this new approach Creditreform Boniversum is on the move to capture market share by following the market leader Schufa in consumer education (‘Meine Schufa’ and ‘Schufa Macht Schule’), which has become a role model in consumer relations for the European consumer credit information industry.

Source: Password Germany