Wand logo-41WAND Taxonomy Library Portal helps companies develop and implement a corporate taxonomy strategy

More than 150 common enterprise information management applications can use taxonomy to better organize enterprise information; further, most large corporations have already invested in 15-20 of these applications.  Each information management application is like a separate engine. Taxonomy is like a gasoline additive that ensures that each engine is generating the most horsepower as efficiently as possible. Investing in a taxonomy strategy ensures that a company is maximizing the return on its investment in enterprise information management applications.

WAND has created a brand new approach to developing a corporate taxonomy strategy. The WAND Taxonomy Library Portal is a subscription product that gives users access to the complete WAND Taxonomy Library. Users can search and browse through any of the WAND taxonomies to identify and download the exact taxonomy they need for their application. Updates and new taxonomies from WAND are added on a regular basis.

Taxonomy can be used in applications like content management, enterprise search, digital asset management, master data management, ecommerce, big data, business intelligence, text analytics, and procurement and spend applications. Again, like a premium gasoline additive, taxonomy helps these engines run more effectively and more efficiently.

Subscriptions are available on a per application basis or enterprise-wide for use in any enterprise information applications allowing the benefits of taxonomy to spread throughout an organization. Credit hours for taxonomy professional services are included in every subscription so the experts can help make sure your taxonomy project is a success.

Bottom line: the WAND Taxonomy Library Portal makes it easier for organizations to develop a corporate taxonomy strategy to maximize the value of enterprise information assets.

Interested in learning more?  Contact WAND today to talk about how the WAND Taxonomy Library Portal can help your company develop a taxonomy strategy.