Pentagon researchers expect to initiate a new program by early 2018 to better identify hackers and cybercriminals. The “Enhanced Attribution Program” will enable the government to not only characterize an attacker, but also share a cybercriminal’s modus operandi with prospective victims, and predict where they will strike next. 

“The idea is to not only look at the bullets but also the weapon,” explained Angelos Keromytis, the program leads at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), referring to a hacker’s IT resources.

Defense officials plan to be able to tap into laptops as well as smartphones and other internet-enabled devices. By contrast, under current security protocols, hackers effectively mask or misdirect data to avoid detection from authorities.

The program seeks to mimic and recreate the criminal, to get ahead of their next move and potentially catch them at their next point of attack. Supposing that DARPA is capable of producing the tech capable of telegraphing attribution, the group faces another challenge, by apprehending a hacker or releasing warnings to the public, they may ultimately expose proprietary methods.

Keromytis has stated concern that sharing too much information about an adversary with the public may embolden others to find new ways to circumvent federal officials.


biia-cyber-sceruity-adDARPA expects that by the end of 2020 the system could accumulate sufficient data to nab “A-Team hackers,” cybercriminals, or privateers, sponsored by governments.

Source: Cyber Security Intelligence