Your Editor in Chief resides most of the time in Ridgewood, New Jersey.  While his residence has been spared of major damage, the approaches to his residence are blocked; there will be no electric power, no telephone landlines and Internet for at least a week.  The town has been hit hard because most of the houses are under huge old Oak trees, many of which have collapsed, bringing down power lines.

With no electricity there will be no heating, no hot water, no hot food etc.  No access to Internet, only cell phones are working unless they run out of battery power.  Not surprising to stay with modern times the Village of Ridgewood has announced that it has set up stations to permit the town’s residents to recharge their laptops, cell phones, iPads etc.  No provisions have been made to offer residents the possibility to take a hot shower.  Nevertheless restaurants with generators have gone on the Internet to inform residents that they are open to serve hot meals.   

The lessons learned for this natural disaster:  Electronics first – personal hygiene last!