Indonesia has continued its emergence as one of Asia’s most attractive tigers in 2011 following a highly positive growth trajectory, suggesting it may not be long until the dynamic archipelago establishes itself as Asia’s newest economic heavy-weight.

Having weathered the recent global economic crisis well, Indonesia’s increasingly favorable business climate is breaking new barriers as illustrated by Moody’s and Fitch’s recent move to lift debt ratings to investment grade, Standard & Poor’s BB+ rating and an Ease of Doing Business Ranking of 129 out of 183 countries.

Now positioned as UNCTAD’s 7th top host economy in terms of estimated FDI inflows for 2011-13, the central government is undertaking proactive efforts such as stabilizing currency rates and maintaining a competitive tax regime in order to position itself as South East Asia’s most welcoming frontier market.

To read the full story click on the attachment:  Indonesia July 2012

The report was provided courtesy of Reciprocus International Singapore