Information professionals with passwords:  Over 400

BIIA Network on LinkedIn:  Over 300 and growing fast

What members say?   “Immediately following receipt of the newsletter alert I scan the content page and select the topics I am most interested in” – “The BIIA Newsletter has become an important source of what matters in the business information industry”.

BIIA website features:  The BIIA website contains over 1,800 postings segmented into over 400 categories:    If one wants to track quarterly results, M&A and product introductions by companies you should go to: bearing in mind that many articles are password protected.  To get the full value of you should always log in.

The results have been remarkable:  In the month of June we reached a record of 97,700 hits with 55,282 pages pulled and 9,441 individual visits (see monthly statistics on the left).