Outsell published its report on the five technologies to watch which continues the tradition of providing an annual view of the five technologies that in Outsell’s opinion most warrant the attention of information industry executives in the next 12 to 24 months.  This year Outsell also explains why a few technologies did not make its list.  Not every technology important to watch is disruptive, but this year  there are certainly a few that are.  

This report is intended to help publishing executives identify technologies that matter – ones that can enable superior products and services and serve as competitive differentiators.  It is also intended to be a primer for those who need to be conversant in publishing technologies, but don’t have the time or inclination to dive into technical publications. The report contains:

  • Outsell’s view of content software technologies over the next few years, plotted on a chart according to our estimate of their importance and impact;
  • Examination of issues facing technology decision-makers;
  • An in-depth look at five technologies: HTML5, Tablets, Mobile Development Frameworks, NoSQL and Big Data Management Systems, and Big Data Analytics;
  • Essential actions for publishers and information providers.

The link to this report is:  http://www.outsellinc.com/store/products/1050

Outsell Inc. is a Co-founder of BIIA