Reciprocus International has recently issued its report on Thailand, as an attractive destination for direct investment.  Thailand’s fundamentals remain strong after several years of political unrest, natural disasters and global recession.  Its innately resilient nature is shining bright as the tiger wakes up to renewed interest from abroad and an accelerating economy at home.

Positioned as one of Asia’s busiest manufacturing hubs nestled among the frontier markets of Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Malaysia, the investment climate of Thailand is robust, rankings 8th among UNCTAD’s top host economy in terms of estimated 2012-14 FDI inflows. Exhibiting a quick turnaround in GDP levels after the 2011 flood, the economy is supported by a vibrant consumer population, steady inflation, and enjoys very low unemployment.  Reciprocus observes that the investment climate as a whole is improving significantly and foresee it continuing down a path to emerge as one of Southeast Asia’s most significant players.

To read the full report click on the attachment: Thailand – Final

Courtesy: Reciprocus International Pte Ltd