The global Business Intelligence company Worldbox now offers complete identification company records for Rwanda, Tanzania, Mauritius, Uganda and Madagascar with extended business records for 25 other African countries.  Worldbox’s industry-leading business information database now contains the complete identifications of registered companies in 56 per cent of countries within the Africa continent, and coverage is continuing to grow month-by-month.

Ashurst June 30th 2015Adding to the growing number of African countries its database now incorporates, Worldbox has also begun to link domestic companies’ records to their international parent companies, where often financial statements are available. This means an evolution in its traditional offering of company directory to a business intelligence platform that can be leveraged for intricate research and due diligence.

Adrian Ashurst, CEO of Worldbox, says the firm identified and anticipated Africa’s explosion in new company formation and business growth – and the demand for information about them – some years ago.  He commented: “Worldbox, operating within the Business Information industry, has always had an eye on the emerging markets. As such, we began developing an online database of companies in Africa as far back as 2009 for anyone who wanted access to researched company information featuring the highest-quality background and financial information on any African target they wanted to do business with.”

The Worldbox Africa Business Records Database aims to list and offer information on all of these domestic businesses, as well as the international businesses they work with.
Business information and financial records within the Worldbox Africa Company Database are often sourced in person by its own agents operating on the ground, meaning risks can be significantly reduced for potential business partners in Africa: whether they’re looking to deliver to, invest, merge or buy into domestic businesses there.

Worldbox provides online access to detailed data on a range of essential business areas, including: validation and verification of company registrations and accounts, corporate and financial records and credit risk reports.

Source:  Presswire & Worldbox