StoxPlus Joint Stock Company” announced that it has changed its corporate name to “FiinGroup Joint Stock Company” as of February 18, 2019.

FiinGroup made the name change to facilitate its reshaped business strategies for the coming years and expansion into new areas of expertise leveraging on our core competence in Information Service and Data Analytics. The name change is being followed with certain corporate structure that in turn will help FiinGroup meet the best practices in corporate governance in our sector.

After over 10 years of establishment and development, FiinGroup are currently providing three main service categories namely Financial Information; Business Information; and Industry Research with a comprehensive database for Vietnam and more than 100 staffs in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. In order to meet the growing demand of the market, it decided to expand its business operations to new areas including risk-based data platforms, credit rating and technology-based data products to serve customers across industries.

FiinGroup mission remains: “Enlighten the Market”.  FiinGroup are committed to continuous investment in its database, innovations and useful product platforms to better support the market and your decision making. This letter is also intended to offer notice that all invoicing, packaging, and related documents will be rebranded after February 18, 2019.

The changing name of the company does not affect any transactions, relationships, economic obligations or rights, as well as the implementation of contracts which were signed before February 18, 2019.

Source:  FiinGroup JSC (previously StoxPlus JSC)