Enables Businesses to Build Credit Checking into their Company DNA

  • Creditsafe application programming interface (API) enables businesses to integrate credit checking with finance and customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Easy access to data on 120 million companies across the world from business applications

creditsafe_simplysmarter_RGB_bigCreditsafe has announced the launch of its Integrated Solutions platform, which enables organizations to access credit reports on 120 million companies directly from their finance and CRM applications. The API has been developed to work out of the box with market leading packages such as Sage, SAP, Microsoft Navision, Salesforce.com, Microsoft Dynamics and Sugar CRM as well as with business systems developed in-house.

Creditsafe has developed its API to enable organizations to quickly and easily facilitate access to credit reports for every department in the business. Organizations can de-risk decisions by everyone in the business about customers and suppliers as well as improve the accuracy of customer and prospect data, including core business addresses and decision maker contacts.

Chris Robertson, UK Managing Director Creditsafe said: “Creditsafe’s mission is to make as much information as possible about companies available to businesses so they are fully equipped to make the right decisions about which customers and suppliers to work with. Integrated Solutions means that companies can build credit reporting into their core systems so that credit checking becomes part of their everyday DNA.”

“We have designed Integrated Solutions to be as quick and easy to use as possible and to slot seamlessly into a wide range of finance and CRM systems. It means that credit reporting can now be a truly democratic process that can be accessed by everyone in a business and thereby improve decision making across the board.”

“Whether it’s a marketing team qualifying leads before initiating a campaign, an HR manager checking out the background of a new director, an IT manager running a selection process between suppliers or a finance team prioritising debts to chase, Creditsafe makes it easy to find the right information from within finance and CRM systems.”

Integrated Solutions enables organizations to:

  • Integrate key contact, credit and business information into their business applications within minutes
  • Choose from nearly 200 data sets including company, contact, CCJ and credit risk data
  • Access reports on more than 120 million companies in over 39 countries around the world
  • Create seamless integration with finance and CRM applications including Salesforce, Sage, Dynamics, SAP and more

Source:  Creditsafe