We are excited to share with you that our Developer Portal is finally ready! We have been hard at work building a centralized resource for all things API, with supporting documentation, dashboards, service announcements, status checkers and other essential features designed to make developer life simple and easy.

The benefits of our portal include:

  • Singular access point for all developer resources 
  • Instant access to the latest documents and service announcements  
  • First opportunities to leverage new functions and features 

If you’re an API user who hasn’t yet migrated to our new portal, we explain how to do that below. But before that, let’s explore the features of the Developer Portal in more detail. 

Which resources are available in the Developer Portal?

  • Documentation: Library of documentation including API references with code visualizations, specifications (Swagger), sample code, country coverage lists, fees, release notes and more.
  • Console: An interactive console that allows you to explore the endpoints without having to set up a local environment for API testing.
  • Community: Provides the latest news on which features are currently being developed by our team. 
  • Dashboard: Provides an overview of your active plans, traffic and relevant details of your account and any applicable sub-accounts.
  • API Status: Provides vital information about the operational status of our services and our network’s connection to registrars.

How can I access the Developer Portal?

You can migrate your account over to our Developer Portal right now. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions listed below.  Please note that you must have a valid API key in order to get started. 

  1. Visit developer.kompany.com
  2. Log in with your account details and an email will be sent to your inbox
  3. Click “Verify Your Account” in the email and you will be redirected to a new page
  4. Fill in your contact details and confirm your new password 
  5. Click “Confirm” to submit your new details 
  6. You will now be logged into the Developer Portal 

Our legacy API portal (apidashboard.kompany.com) will remain available after your account upgrade – however, it will eventually be retired permanently in the coming weeks. We will inform users of this change before it occurs.

Source:  kompany Blog