1. A credit score for creditworthiness assessment of borrowers, complete with default probability. Score ranging from 250 to 900. The higher the score, the lower the credit risk;
  2. A complete credit information report processed from credit data and other data, showing: • Debtor identities and their change history • Credit facilities and their payment history • Other financial obligations and their fulfillment • Other information from public institutions
  3. IdScore+. A combination of IdScore and IdReport, containing a complete credit information report processed from credit data and other data. Equipped with default probability and credit score that can provide a complete picture of a debtor’s financial character as part of the 5C analysis process;
  4. IdAlternativeScore. Alternative credit score based on social security, tax and financing company membership data.
  5. IdTelcoScore. Alternative credit score based on aggregated telco services data.
  6. IdCustomScore. A scoring model that is designed according to specific parameters and to support digital business efficiency.
  7. MyIdScore. Credit score and credit report product for the public individual
  8. IdIncome Estimation. Indicator of debtor’s estimated income compiled from historical credit reports
  9. IdCustomScore BPR. Credit score for credit analysis specifically designed for rural banks
  10. Credit score to support credit analysis in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector
  11. Credit score for consumer fintech lending credit analysis


  1. IdMarket Profile. Various aggregated statistical data such as credit growth, new debtor growth, NPL, and credit segments, which can be customized according to specific needs and special parameters for future product and business strategy development.
  2. IdBenchmarking. An accurate and reliable industry credit statistics amid limited aggregate industry data sources for public. Provides ease in measuring the position and performance of credit portfolios relative to the industry, setting up strategies and improving credit portfolio quality to win the competition.
  3. IdBusiness Report. For an accurate corporate debtor profile analysis based on data and risk assessment of industry, business, and financial risks. presented on comprehensive and informative research results combined with credit profiles.


  1. Scoring Calibration. Calibration for scoring accuracy improvement
  2. Washing. Monitoring and updating debtor portfolios based on latest data
  3. Host to Host. For speed increase and security improvement
  4. Customized Credit Scoring and Automated Decision Engine