BIIA Chairman David Worlock commented on some of the more salient happenings at the recent EASDP congress in his latest blog: Good Bye Native Websites!

One of the more surprising and perhaps the more shocking news was the announcement that EASDP was to merge with EIDQ, Europe’s directory enquiries services.  Obviously the Yellow Pages industry is unraveling too fast to allow for the real-time re-calibration of its trade association.

Phil Cotter’s presentation also hit home the arguments around a machine-to-machine future, the role of the intelligence in the network, the ability to track and map our activities as predicted by the past activities of ourselves and others like us.  All of the chat about behavioral targeting and the future of advertising on the web crumbled into dust before us. The website now becomes a totally different proposition. This is not the display table, advertising driven, designed to bring users to your goods and services. This is the storehouse of your advanced metadata and this the key to your discoverability.  Mostly you will get discovered by machines, so you need to be very aware of how to tell them who you are and what you are about in language they can understand and use.
